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waldraut hool-wolf Exhibitions

Modern Art Civic Museum

21.3.2015 - 29.3.2015

Modern Art Civic Museum ‘’Giuseppe Sciortino’’ of Monreale Italien

Civic Museum Sciortino Monreale

vom 21. bis 29 März 2015

21- 29. März 2015

AUSSTELLUNG 21. - 29. März 2015
Öffnungszeiten: ...

The ‘’Guglielmo ii’’ Award, has been give, in the past editions, to important personalities of the showbusiness and of the world of art and culture. After the recent expositive Events as the 2nd international Biennale of art of palermo, the Municipal
Agency of Monreale, selected a few number of international
artists for this prestigious award.

"Sommerzeit unterm Baum 10/1A"